List of diseases and states, recommended for the treatment in the centre:
• Pathology of gall passages (cholelithiasis, especially the initial stages);
• Liver’s pathology (fat degeneracy of liver, medical and alcohol- induced injury, disfunction as the result of complications during other diseases);
• Dysbacteriosis (especially after lingering antibacterial therapy courses about urogenical infection treatment: clamidiosis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis);
• Alimentary and constitutive obesity I-V stages;
• Skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, diathesis);
• Asthenovegetative syndrome (after acute respiratory diseases);
• Chronic tiredness syndrome, depression, hypochondriac syndrome;
• Sexual dysfunctions (in the aspect of pharmacological castration after the courses of antibacterial therapy);
• The ones planning the birth of healthy child (0.5 year before).